Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lent is here. Now be quiet.

(borrowed image)

Are you giving up sweets or every drink besides water?

Are you giving up meat for the whole 40 days?

Are you giving away one belonging every Friday?

Are you praying a specific prayer everyday?

Are you lending a hand to someone who needs it?

Are you going all out this Lent doing only bread and water?

...wait, don't tell me. That defeats the purpose.

Aside from maybe family or a close friend or two telling people jeopardizes the possibility of actually growing. To put it as briefly as possible, it runs the risk of doing it out of vanity instead of piety. Telling is not quite moaning on the street corner, but it's definitely not praying in private. So, don't tell me. Don't tell anyone.

If you did tell people already, I have an idea. Do whatever you told them you were giving up in front of them, don't say anything and sacrifice something else that day. They'll think you messed up, you'll know they think you messed up, and you'll get a small slice of humble pie to chew on. **Disclaimer** Be prudent about that. We don't want to cause scandal.

Lent is here. Now, be quiet about your secret and, if you don't mind, please pray for me.


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