Thursday, March 29, 2012

Winning!! (I have martyr's blood)

Read this article. I know I haven't proved to be consistent in my posting but this has to be one of the best Catholic blog articles I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time.

3 Failed Attempts to Troll the Catholic Church

I seriously couldn't have said it better than Marc (or even close to as well at all), but there are a few things I'd love to add in my own inferior writing style.

This is the awesome thing about being a Christian and (more specifically, with an even greater roar) a Catholic! The Catholic Church can't be stopped for a few simple reasons:

------------------------------------- (1) --------------------------------------
We are the body of Christ. Christ is God and God can't lose. Trying to beat God would be like the whack-a-mole machine whacking the inventor of the whack-a-mole game can't happen because the inventor made it so that he could whack moles.

That was not a very good analogy for God's love, but you get the point: God wins so it must follow that God's Church wins.

------------------------------------- (2) --------------------------------------
Just because the Church is awesome doesn't mean it's not going to see hard times where it looks like we might fail. Suffering is redemptive and "pain shifts our focus from what is trivial to what is crucial" as Ennie Hickman would say. I love the fact that God humbles the people in His Church every so often. It's so easy to look at the Israelites in Scripture and call them a bunch of whiny babies, then forget that we are whining about our religious freedoms and gas prices and  constantly right now.

I think God's asking, "How much are you willing to give up for Me? Am I crucial in your life, or am I trivial?" Life is a big YES with little no's to everything that is not God.

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We are led by the Truth, and therefore cannot be led astray. Now, He's letting us get bitten by the snakes a bit so that we have to look to Him lest we be swallowed by our currently ravenous culture that has an edacious hunger which cannot be satisfied without an ideological totalitarian monarchy over both (a) focused temperance and (b) the conscience by the relentless attack of Satan. (breathe in - breathe out) This attack is one of pride in the form of  (a) total indulgence without consequence and  (b) a denial of any truth that claims to not accept lies. There is only one Truth, and that truth don't accept NO lies.

------------------------------------- (4) --------------------------------------

Who is the only flawless masterpiece that perfectly directs the attention of her children always heavenward? 

Who gets to hold her creator in the arms He made her? 

What arms are better suited for holding the rest of the broken children of God than the ones that held the scourged Son of God?

Who better to look to than to Mary as we feebly mutter our imperfect yes's than the one who spoke with utmost integrity and love, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word."

With Mary as our mother and model, let's pray.


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